Survey Recap: The Career Impact of Learning Quantum Computing Online
“The MIT xPRO Quantum Computing Fundamentals course was a game changer.”
“This program literally changed my life.”
Those are two direct quotes from a recent survey of individuals who earned a professional certificate from MIT xPRO’s two-course online Quantum Computing Fundamentals program. In February 2023, we surveyed 150+ program participants to develop a better understanding of the program’s career impact.
We’ll get into more of the key takeaways from the survey shortly. But first, here’s a brief overview of the program and what it’s like to learn quantum computing online.
Preparing Learners for the Business and Technical Implications of Quantum Computing
With 20% of organizations budgeting for quantum computing projects, organizations face a shortage of experts. The Quantum Computing Fundamentals program educates participants on the business and technical implications of quantum computing and how to apply this new frontier in computing in their organizations.
Here’s more from MIT Professor Will Oliver, faculty director of MIT xPRO’s Quantum Computing Fundamentals program, on the program’s objective and what types of learners enroll:
“This course is designed for leaders in industry, government, and those with a general interest in quantum to gain an understanding of what quantum computing is and how it will affect our future bottom line and national security.
Many people who take the course have a Bachelor’s or master’s degree or an advanced professional degree. But we do not expect people to have a PhD in quantum physics.
We designed the course to provide learners with an understanding of the fundamentals of quantum computing, how it works at a high level, what are the leading candidates for quantum computing, what are the limitations, etc. Essentially, we want learners to be able to distinguish between reality and hype and to continue learning for themselves going forward.”
At a Glance: MIT xPRO’s Quantum Computing Fundamentals Program Career Impact
Regarding the program’s career impact, Professor Oliver explains, “This course primarily has helped people become quantum-aware. This is particularly important within organizations that want to understand better the potential future impact of quantum.
Perhaps your boss comes to you and asks, ‘What is quantum, and what are we doing to get ready for it?’ This course is intended to help you understand the ‘lay of the land’ in quantum so that you can begin to connect problems in your own organization with those that a future quantum computer may be able to address.”
Now, let’s examine what course participants had to say about the program’s career impact. (Please note that all survey respondents were anonymous.)
The program met respondents’ expected professional goals
Nearly three-quarters of respondents reported that the Quantum Computing Fundamentals program met their expected professional goals, from validating an interest in quantum information science (QIS) to affirming its relevance to their organization to providing a foundation for continuing to learn about this topic.
“The program helped me to validate that QIS was an area I a) had the aptitude to understand and b) would enjoy pursuing further. I have been working since to understand more in the various QIS topics and have just started a career search in the quantum community.”
“I better understand quantum computing and so am able to better position my company for the future.”
“This course is an excellent introduction to quantum computing and provides the necessary tools to proceed into further courses.”
The program helped respondents grow their careers
Perhaps the most direct evidence of career impact is the takeaway that 42% of respondents gained new job responsibilities, got hired at another company, or got promoted after taking the Quantum Computing Fundamentals course.
“After learning Quantum Computing from MIT, I was able to file a few quantum patents and develop a quantum demo within the company. This gained me visibility and allowed me to transfer from the security side of the company to the R&D labs where I have been promoted, given an office and employees to manage—along with the freedom to set quantum research agendas within the lab.”
“The program provided me with the background to help establish the quantum computing offering within our consulting organization. It further established myself as one of the quantum subject matter experts with additional responsibilities.”
“More than two years after I completed MIT xPRO’s Quantum Computing Fundamentals program, I work as what I was hoping for when taking the program: Head of Strategy in one of the leading players in quantum software. This would have never happened without taking MIT xPRO’s Quantum Computing Fundamentals program. This program literally changed my life. And it can change others’ lives, too. I can only encourage everyone to enroll in the program and take their careers to the next level.”
The program is likely to come up during job interviews
With 84% of respondents saying they would talk about this program during a job interview, it’s clear that the program is valuable for individuals searching for new job opportunities.
“During the interview, they asked me about innovations that may impact cybersecurity, and I talked about quantum computing.”
“Recruiters have contacted me regarding other quantum positions via LinkedIn based on my profile.”
A Positive Experience for Learners
“I continue to be impressed that students are nearly 100% positive on the course. I have heard much feedback—both through the survey results and through interactions in the broader community—indicating that our MIT xPRO class is excellent, among the best, if not the best, quantum course available. I’m glad to be a part of this fantastic learning experience,” says Professor Oliver.
Ready to join others who have seen a positive impact on their careers and learn quantum computing online from the best of the best? Enroll in MIT xPRO’s Quantum Computing Fundamentals program.